Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009
Me a year before this journey began

Thursday 25 November 2010


This time of the year is always difficult for me because I get a terrible case of homesickness.  When I was growing up Thanksgiving was always a big thing for my family.  We always got together for Thanksgiving - even when I worked until silly o'clock then got a taxi straight to my mom's and I slept on the sofa until it was time to go out the door.  I've been living abroad for nearly 8 years now and I still miss the holiday.  Thanksgiving to me always equalled family and friends.  Don't know the purpose of this post except to diary the significance of today for me.

I hope everyone celebrating has a great holiday! 

Peace and Love....

Monday 22 November 2010

I'm Clueless....

Well today is the first day of getting healthier and fitter.  I've packed my lunch and diaried everything I've brought.  Great!  I can polish my halo.  Hit the first stress 'bump' and I fell off the wagon with a packet of cookies.  What the.......?  Part of me is saying well why did I bother with all the preparing my food for today if I go off the rails at the first hiccup?  Another part of me is saying ok, you had a hiccup now step away from the cookies and take a deep breath.  I know what is going to happen, I'm going to beat myself up for falling so soon which is going to lead me to a binge.  I hope I can divert myself......I'm going to do my best to divert myself. 

Wish me luck!

Sunday 21 November 2010

Starting out......

Hi everyone!  Well I'm taking a leap onto blogging.  I thought if I started a blog about my journey to a healthier me that it would help me be more accountable.  Tomorrow I'm starting my new healthy eating and exercise program.  I'm going to be watching my food intake and keep a food diary.  I will also be keeping a record of my physical activity.  My goal is to lose 100lbs.  I don't have a set date to be done by as I just want to get to my goal weight and deal with my food/eating 'demons'. 

Well I'll sign off for now and try to get this organized.  :-) 
