Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009
Me a year before this journey began

Thursday 25 November 2010


This time of the year is always difficult for me because I get a terrible case of homesickness.  When I was growing up Thanksgiving was always a big thing for my family.  We always got together for Thanksgiving - even when I worked until silly o'clock then got a taxi straight to my mom's and I slept on the sofa until it was time to go out the door.  I've been living abroad for nearly 8 years now and I still miss the holiday.  Thanksgiving to me always equalled family and friends.  Don't know the purpose of this post except to diary the significance of today for me.

I hope everyone celebrating has a great holiday! 

Peace and Love....

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog. Hope you come back and dig into the weight loss and the blogging. Great way to support your efforts, the blogging world. Michele
